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    The most advanced regulatory library for the web

    Learn more about IA7
  • Top Seller
    Engine Libraries

    Our Lycoming libraries have the content you need with powerful navigation and search features. Delivered by your choice of Web, DVD or Desktop Delivery, all documents are in Adobe® PDF format and look just like the originals.

    Learn More About Lycoming
  • Top Seller

    ADs, Service Bulletins and complete regulatory information for small and corporate aircraft and all rotorcraft.

    Seven packages available in your choice of DVD, Internet or Desktop delivery.

    Learn More About IApproach
    Tdata - IApproach
  • Top Seller

    ADs, Service Bulletins and other regulatory information for small and/or large aircraft, helicopters available in your choice of DVD or Desktop Delivery. Advanced checklist and FAA Forms editing. PDF format.

    Learn More About AVANT
  • Top Seller
    Maintenance Tracking Software

    Easy, accurate with an intuitive user interface. Our FleetReporter add-on allows you to organize your MTrax files into virtual fleets and create reports for your entire fleet.

    Learn More About MTRAX
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